LED lighting upgrade to Warwick Farm Carpark

The team at Power Save worked closely with management of Warwick Farm car-park to deliver an LED lighting upgrade which delivers significant financial and energy savings to their business.

Upgrading to LED lights helped brighter, safer and more easy to navigate carpark which helped increase customer satisfaction and decrease customer complaints.

Our Sustainability Solutions Managers  provided detailed information to the buliding managers prior to installation on what the financial and energy savings would be and when they were likely to see a return on investment.

Facility upgrade at Warwick Farm car-park

Since working with Warwick Farm Carpark, we have:

  • Upgraded 552 of their lights to LED.
  • Saved an estimated $16,800 on energy usage annually.
  • Delivered a 1 year return on their investment.
  • Created estimated savings of up to $168,000 projected over a 10 year period.
  • Created a more safe and comfortable experience for car park users.
Our projects - Car Park | Power Save
Before Upgrade
Our projects - Car Park | Power Save
After Upgrade

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